ROBOTICA & MANAGEMENT - Vol. 23, No. 2, December 2018, pp. 32-36
Nicolae-Adrian Todea *, Lia Dolga **, Valer Dolga **
* Dräxlmaier Timisoara,
C. Buzuasului 9a, Timişoara, Romania
e-mail: todea.nicolae(at)
** Politehnica University Timisoara, Department of Mechatronics,
B. M. Viteazu 1, 300 222, Romania
e-mail: valer.dolga(at)
Abstract: The essay proposes to realize theoretical and experimental research in the field of three-dimensional scans, as well as in the field of reverse engineering to 3D printing. The idea of the theme has left the engineer responsible for different types of electrical / electronic equipment and has to recreate / rebuild CAD models for a number of parts of the equipment configuration, parts that fail after a certain operating time.
Keywords: reverse engineering, reconstruction, 3D part models, flexible technology systems.
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