ROBOTICA & MANAGEMENT - Vol. 23, No. 1, June 2018, pp. 11-14

Towards Robotic Artificial Consciences

Slađan Kantar *, Miloš D Jovanović **


* University Union, School of Computing

Nemanjina 12 11000 Belgrade, Serbia

e-mail: skantar(at)

** Institut Mihajlo Pupin

Volgina 15, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia

e-mail: milos.jovanovic(at)

Abstract: This paper gives an overview of an artificial self-conscious robotic system, proposes the simplest self-conscious system and motivates its application in the field of mobile robotics. Essential characteristics of every self-conscious system has been reviewed. The hardware implementation of each characteristic has been proposed. Improvements of the complete structure by using other kind of sensors have been recommended. At the end of the paper there is a presentation of the initial results and potential further steps are discussed.

Consciences, robotic, artificial intelligence.

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