1 - Content
2 - Robots in Action - Professional Contest 2017
Patic P.C.
4 - Development and Testing of a Mobile Robot with Hybrid Legged-Wheeled Locomotion
Barbu P., Tatar M.O.
9 - Aircraft Landing and Attitude Control Using Dynamic Matrix Control
Calugaru G.C., Resceanu I.C, Danisor A.E.
18 - Using Face Recognition in the Automatic Door Access Control in a Secured Room
Gilca G., Grofu F., Borcosi I., Runceanu A.
24 - Experimental Investigation on the Detection of Obstacles by a Mobile Robot
Korka Z.-I., Miclosina C.-O., Vladulescu I.
28 - Feedback Control Design for a Walking Athlete Robot
Nguyen X.V.T, Le T.T.H, Nguyen M.T., Nguyen V.D.H
34 - An Analysis of Some Commercial Management Aspects at the Level of a Travel Agency
Andres S.
40 - Significance of Building Maintenance Management on Life-Span of Buildings
Othuman Mydin M.A.