ROBOTICA & MANAGEMENT - Vol. 23, No. 1, June 2018, pp. 42-48

The Constructive Approach to Human Capital Formation, a Factor in the Improvement of Educational Management


Suzana Demyen, Mirela Minica, Calin-Octavian Miclosina


“Eftimie Murgu” University of Resita

Traian Vuia Square, No. 1-4, 320085 Resita, Romania



Abstract: The article attempts to constitute a theoretical approach to the characteristics of university management and the peculiarities of a constructivist approach to training, conducting an analysis of the stage of knowledge from this dual perspective. Identifying the essence of constructivism, but also correlating it with other methodological solutions, by altering models, problems, sequences adapted to the objectives and situations of forming human capital from the perspective of tertiary education, is the conclusion of the comparative approach of the specialized literature. The case study correlates the theoretical aspects with the practical aspects of the graduates' consultation on the curriculum of a master's degree program in economics, aiming at re-designing and improving the content of the teaching and learning-assessment subject matters and methods, putting the student at the core, from a constructivist perspective.

university management, constructivism, teaching-learning-evaluation methods, training environment, public consultation.

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