ROBOTICA & MANAGEMENT - Vol. 25, No. 2, December 2020, pp. 28-30

Automated and Robotic Welding Solutions Promoted by Some Chinese Factories

Jan Pitzer 1, Nicolae Joni 2*

1 Cloos Haiger
2 Robcon TM SRL, Romania
* Corresponding author. E-mail:

Abstract: SANMENXIA/HAIGER – Chinese companies increase their investments in highly automated welding systems. As an example, for some years now, the industrial vehicle specialist Henan Junton Vehicle completely trusts in the welding technologies by Cloos. With the highly automated welding systems, the company can further increase the efficiency of its production and thus expand its competitiveness.

Keywords: SANMENXIA/HAIGER, Chinese factories, robotic welding solutions.

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