ROBOTICA & MANAGEMENT - Vol. 25, No. 2, December 2020, pp. 37-41
Jeanina Ciurea 1*, Claudia Pau 2
1 UBB Reșița Centre, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
2 UBB Reșița Centre, Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences
Traian Vuia Street, no.1-4, Reșița, Caraș-Severin, Romania
* Corresponding author. E-mail:
Abstract: In the context of globalization, all the firms need to keep up with the new trends, in order to meet the challenges that arise. In an increasingly competitive economy, the training or permanent human resource improvement becomes necessary in order to ensure a positive development. Human resource management, generally, and also the issue concerning stimulation of this category of resources through wage and other rewards, are a permanent concern for professionals as well as for the representatives of the business area.
Keywords: motivation, SMEs, wages, training.
Full Text
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