ROBOTICA & MANAGEMENT - Vol. 24, No. 2, December 2019, pp. 28-32
Gheorghe Popovici
“Eftimie Murgu” University of Reşiţa
1-4, Traian Vuia Square, Reşiţa, Romania
Abstract: The paper presents the peculiarities of the Romanian management in the 30 years since the Romanian Revolution (1989-2019), detached from the study carried out in the period 2016-2019. Confronted with a technological revolution (1981-2020) and an economic crisis throughout the world (2008- 2013), the Romanian managers are currently in a constant vigil. Because, no matter how good one is at one point, everything evolves and changes and one never knows what's going on tomorrow, one has to keep up with what's coming and prepare oneself for what is to come. The Romanian management, over time, has created its own model different from the Western, American or Asian models. Therefore, the author summarizes the particularities of each activity of the Romanian management. Romanian managers must learn from their mistakes, from the mistakes of others, and should not repeat these mistakes. It can be stated that, in Romania, the "seeds" thrown into management have borne fruit, which will or will not be taken into account by the current and future managers.
Keywords: Romanian management, Romanian managers, strategic management, operational management, customer relations management, quality management, conflict management, risk management, time management, project management.
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